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New Pricing and Treatments

Rosacea treatment with Lumecca $400.00

First 3 treatments one month apart

Maintenance one treatment every 3 months at $175.00 per treatment

Facial Rejuvenation $1850.00

Treated with a combination of Morpheus8 and Fractora

3 treatments one month apart

Face and neck $3150.00


Fractora for acne $500.00

2 treatments one month apart

Acne areas treated only.

Inmode Aesthetic Solutions

  • Diolaze by Inmode – Diolaze is an advanced laser hair removal procedure that safely and gently eliminates unwanted hair. Diolaze has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast. The combination of efficacy, patient comfort and speed makes Diolaze the leader in laser hair removal. Powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair. Comfortable, Safe and Effective.

    Diolaze by Inmode

  • Forma by Inmode – Forma is fractional thermal contraction that uses radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin. Radio-frequency energy will stimulate the formation of new collagen and improve skin elasticity for long lasting improvement. And, forma can be used on the face and body. Discover Younger Acting Skin!

“My forma treatments improved my overall complexion without any pain or downtime. It is a great alternative to expensive procedures. I love the way my new face looks.” – Jane, Patient

Lumecca by Inmode

  • Lumecca by Inmode – Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. In just 1 -3 sessions, Lumecca improves the appearance of age spots, vascular lesions, rosacea, freckles and sun damage. The Ultimate Solution to Rejuvenate Your Skin!
  • Fractora by Inmode

    Fractora by Inmode – Discover a superior solution to decrease wrinkles, improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities and provide a healthier younger looking you, all in one session. Fractora skin treatment is a fractional rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment that reduces wrinkles to slow the effects of aging and restore skin to its youthful appearance. Reduces skin irregularities including acne and acne scarring. Fractora lets you look and feel younger. Rejuvenate and Restore Your Skin!

Before After 1



Before After 2



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For adults who want a natural look, there’s Dysport, a prescription injectable proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face. It’s the lines that are minimized, not your expressions.

Dysport Before


Dysport After


Check For Our Specials!

Filler and Botox Pricing

Botox / Dysport $275.00 per treatment area. Areas are Crows feet, Forehead and Glab'lla also known as the 11"s.